Custom Sign FAQs

At Glendining Signs, we understand that choosing the perfect sign for your specific needs can be a complex decision. Whether you're seeking information on materials, design options, or installation processes, our FAQs are designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. Delve into this guide and discover the answers to frequently asked questions regarding custom signs.

What are Custom Signs?

Custom signs are signs designed to meet specific customer requirements. They give customers more control over their signage and the creative library to decide what their signs will say and look like. 

What Custom Signs do you Offer?

Glendining Signs offers a wide range of custom signs, including outdoor signs, indoor signs, banners and posters. However, our custom sign builder can be used to create any sign bespoke to your requirements. 

I Can't Find the Sign I am Looking for, Can I Design my Own?

Yes, you can easily design your own sign with our custom sign builder. Customise the layout, size, colour and sign style, including adding your own branding and tailored text. 

Where can your Custom Signs be Used?

Our custom signs can be used anywhere you want, including both indoors and outdoors as they are crafted with high-quality materials and finishes to ensure durability and longevity. 

What Customisation Options are Available for my Sign?

Glendining Signs offers a range of customisable options on our custom signs, including the colour, size, layout, sign style and text. We can also incorporate logos, branding elements and specific messaging according to your preferences. 

Can I see a Proof of the Design Before Production?

Yes, we can provide a digital proof of the custom sign design for your approval before we proceed with production if requested. This ensures that the final product meets your expectations. 

What Materials do Custom Signs Come in?

You can choose from a variety of materials, including Correx, Foamex, Magnetic, Semi-rigid PP and Zintec. For more information on our materials, visit our sign material guide. 

Can I Add my Logo to the Sign?

Yes, please follow our artwork guidelines and send your files to [email protected]

Can I Order my Sign in a Size that is not Listed?

Yes, please call us on 0118 932 3788 or email [email protected] to discuss your requirements. 

When will I Receive my Custom Signs?

Most custom signs are delivered as quick as standard signs; however, we will inform you of any extensions due to availability or production capabilities.